Investors Annual report Ad hoc announcements Key Figures Corporate Calendar Financial reports Corporate governance Annual general meetings Dividend E-mail alert Share Buyback Program Group Profile Organisation Our history Sustainability Strategy Sustainability goals Milestones Complaint Management Sustainability reports Brands CALIDA AUBADE COSABELLA Competence Centers CALIDA GROUP DIGITAL News Media releases Media centre CALIDA GROUP in figures Career Work with us Benefits Corporate culture Search jobs DE EN

Half-year report 2024

0.5 % EBIT margin (adjusted) 59.0 % Equity ratio (adjusted) 10.3 mCHF Free cash flow -8.8 % Sales development (currency adjusted) 35.7 % E-Commerce share of total sales

New CALIDA GROUP gains further shape – pleasing development of CALIDA and AUBADE

Discover our key figures

The financial reporting of the CALIDA GROUP is open and transparent. It enables investors, analysts, and the media to assess business development comprehensively. 

The CALIDA GROUP pursues long-term and sustainable corporate management that considers all stakeholders’ interests.

CALIDA GROUP – a quality share with a sustainable future

  • Our customers take centre stage: 

    Our strategy programme puts our customers at the heart of everything we do.

  • Strong brands: 

    We have true “love brands” in our portfolio and all our brands are leaders in their home markets.

  • Sustainability: 

    As sustainability is in our DNA and the top priority for all our brands, CALIDA is the leader in sustainability in the underwear segment.

  • Omni-channel focus: 


    Real omni-channel distribution with our own retail, e-commerce and wholesale outlets.

  • Long-term value creation:

    Stable and profitable business with a dividend guideline of >50% payout of normalised free cash flow and annual increase. 

Ad hoc announcements

Ad hoc announcements pursuant to art. 53 KR

Press releases 2024 2023 2022 Archive

Key Figures

  • three_pillars

    CALIDA, AUBADE and COSABELLA are the Group’s most important brands. 

  • general_meeting

    Corporate Governance at CALIDA GROUP

    More information
  • 111.3 mCHF Sales (HY 24) 0.5 mCHF Operating profit (EBIT) adjusted (HY 24) 5.6 mCHF Net liquidity (HY 24)

Corporate calendar

  • 21.02.2025

    Media and analyst conference 2025

  • 08.04.2025

    Annual General Meeting 2025


Financial reports & presentations

Financial Reports Presentations 2024 2023 2022 Archive
  • 25.07.2024

    Half-year report 2024

    (4.2 MB, PDF)
  • 23.02.2024

    Annual Report 2023

    (7.1 MB, PDF)

Corporate governance

Corporate Governance 2024 2023 2022 Archive
  • 09.09.2024

    Articles of Association (German version only)

    (137.4 KB, PDF)
  • 19.04.2024

    Organizational Rules of CALIDA Holding AG

    (232.4 KB, PDF)
  • 23.02.2024

    Corporate Governance Report 2023

    (158.0 KB, PDF)
  • 01.01.2024

    Code of Conduct

    (1.1 MB, PDF)

Annual general meetings

Annual General Meetings 2024 2023 2022 Archive
  • 05.04.2024

    Resolutions of the Annual General Meeting 2024 (German version only)

    (138.6 KB, PDF)
  • 05.04.2024

    Voting results of the Annual General Meeting 2024 (German version only)

    (78.3 KB, PDF)
  • 15.03.2024

    Invitation to the 37th Annual General Meeting on 5 April 2024 (German version only)

    (2.8 MB, PDF)


Registered share
Gross dividend per registered share
Registered share
CHF 0.60
Ex-dividend date
Registered share
Record date (for dividend entitlement)
Registered share
Payment date
Registered share

E-mail alert

IR newsletter

Our newsletter informs you about our financial results and all news relating to the CALIDA GROUP.

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Share Buyback Program

CALIDA GROUP share buyback program 2024 at a fixed price of CHF 28.50 gross per registered share for the purpose of capital reduction: 08 to 22 August 2024

Publication of the result

As part of the share buyback program submitted by the Board of Directors of Calida Holding AG on 07 August 2024 for a maximum of 829,061 of its own registered shares with a par value of CHF 0.10 each (9.8218% of the share capital and voting rights currently registered in the commercial register) at a fixed price of CHF 28.50 gross per registered share for the purpose of capital reduction, Calida Holding AG was tendered a total of 888'794 registered shares during the offer period from 08 to 22 August 2024 (12:00 noon CEST). As the number of registered shares tendered exceeded the volume of the share buyback program, the registered shares are repurchased from the tendering shareholders on a pro rata basis, i.e. the tenders are reduced pro rata to 93.28% to the maximum of 829,061 registered shares.

The payment of the net buyback price of CHF 19.09 per registered share and the delivery of the registered shares will take place with value date 27 August 2024.


Share buyback program at a fixed price
The Board of Directors of Calida Holding AG has decided to buy back a maximum of 829,061 of its own registered shares with a par value of CHF 0.10 each. This corresponds to a maximum of 9.8218% of the share capital and voting rights currently registered in the commercial register. The repurchased shares are to be canceled at a later date.

Registered shares Calida Holding AG
Valor:     12663946
ISIN:       CH0126639464
Ticker:    CALN

08 August 2024: Start of the share buyback program
22 August 2024, 12:00 noon CEST: End of the share buyback program
23 August 2024: Publication of the result and announcement of the net buyback price
27 August 2024: Payment of the net buyback price and delivery of shares

Further details on the share buyback program can be found in the official announcements, which you can access via the following links.


Decision of takeover board

Decision 876/01 regarding the request of Erich Kellenberger, Daniel Kellenberger, Max Kellenberger, Allan Kellenberger and Diana Kellenberger regarding the non-existence of an obligation to make an offer and possibly the granting of an exemption from the obligation to make an offer regarding Calida Holding AG

The Swiss Takeover Board issued the following decision on 24 July 2024:

  1. It is noted that the transactions described in the present decision do not trigger an obligation to make an offer within the meaning of Art. 135 para. 1 sentence 1 FinMIA with regard to the listed equity securities of Calida Holding AG for Calida Holding AG.
  2. In connection with the transactions described in this decision, Erich Kellenberger, Daniel Kellenberger, Max Kellenberger, Allan Kellenberger and Diana Kellenberger are granted an exemption based on Art. 136 para. 1 let. b FinMIA from the duty to make an offer within the meaning of Art. 135 para. 1 sentence 1 FinMIA with regard to the listed equity securities of Calida Holding AG.
  3. Erich Kellenberger, Daniel Kellenberger, Max Kellenberger, Allan Kellenberger and Diana Kellenberger as well as Calida Holding AG are obliged to provide the Takeover Board with a copy of (i) the tender agreement referred to in this decision and (ii) the share purchase agreement referred to in this decision no later than three days after their respective signing.
  4. Calida Holding AG is obliged to publish the dispositive of this decision as well as the reference to the right of objection of qualified shareholders pursuant to Art. 6 and 7 of the Takeover Ordinance.
  5. This decision will be published on the website of the Swiss Takeover Board after the publication of Calida Holding AG pursuant to section no. 4 above.
  6. The fee to be paid by Erich Kellenberger, Daniel Kellenberger, Max Kellenberger, Allan Kellenberger and Diana Kellenberger amounts to CHF 30,000 with joint and several liability.

Objection (Art. 58 of the Takeover Ordinance, SR 954.195.1)

A shareholder who can prove that she/he holds at least three per cent of the voting rights in the target company, whether exercisable or not (qualified shareholder, Art. 56 of the Takeover Ordinance), and who has not yet participated in the proceedings, may lodge an objection to the present decision. The objection must be submitted to the Takeover Board within five trading days of the publication of this decision. It must include an application and a summary statement of grounds as well as proof of participation pursuant to Art. 56 para. 3 and 4 of the Takeover Ordinance (Art. 58 para. 3 of the Takeover Ordinance).

Link to the decision of the Swiss Takeover Board:
Decision 876/01

Décision de la Commission des OPA

Décision 876/01 concernant la requête de Erich Kellenberger, Daniel Kellenberger, Max Kellenberger, Allan Kellenberger et Diana Kellenberger relative à l'absence d'obligation de présenter une offre et, éventuellement, à l'octroi d'une dérogation à l'obligation de présenter une offre concernant Calida Holding AG

Le 24 juillet 2024, la Commission des OPA a rendu la décision suivante:

  1. Il est constaté que les transactions décrites dans la présente décision ne déclenchent pas d'obligation de présenter une offre au sens de l'art. 135 al. 1 phrase 1 LIMF en ce qui concerne les titres de participation cotés de Calida Holding AG pour Calida Holding AG.
  2. Erich Kellenberger, Daniel Kellenberger, Max Kellenberger, Allan Kellenberger et Diana Kellenberger sont, sur la base de l'art. 136 al. 1 let. b LIMF, exemptés de l'obligation de présenter une offre au sens de l'art. 135 al. 1 phrase 1 LIMF en ce qui concerne les titres de participation cotés de Calida Holding AG, en relation avec les transactions décrites dans la présente décision.
  3. Erich Kellenberger, Daniel Kellenberger, Max Kellenberger, Allan Kellenberger et Diana Kellenberger ainsi que Calida Holding AG sont tenus de transmettre à la Commission des OPA, au plus tard trois jours après leur signature, une copie (i) de la convention de mise à disposition mentionnée dans la présente décision et (ii) du contrat d'achat d'actions mentionné dans la présente décision.
  4. Calida Holding AG est tenue de publier le dispositif de la présente décision ainsi que la mention du droit d'opposition des actionnaires qualifiés conformément aux art. 6 et 7 OOPA.
  5. La présente décision sera publiée sur le site Internet de la Commission des OPA après la publication de Calida Holding AG selon le chiffre 4 du dispositif ci-dessus.
  6. Les frais à la charge d'Erich Kellenberger, Daniel Kellenberger, Max Kellenberger, Allan Kellenberger et Diana Kellenberger s'élèvent, sous leur responsabilité solidaire, à CHF 30'000.

Opposition (art. 58 de l'Ordonnance sur les OPA, RS 954.195.1):

Un actionnaire qui prouve détenir une participation d'au minimum trois pourcent des droits de vote, exerçables ou non, de la société visée (actionnaire qualifié, art. 56 OOPA), et qui n'a pas participé à la procédure, peut former opposition contre la présente décision. L'opposition doit être déposée auprès de la Commission des OPA dans un délai de cinq jours de bourse suivant la publication de la présente décision. Elle doit comporter une conclusion, une motivation sommaire et la preuve de la participation de son auteur conformément à l'art. 56 al. 3 et 4 OOPA (art. 58 al. 3 OOPA).

Lien vers la décision de la Commission des OPA:
Décision 876/01

Team and contact

Do you have any questions about financial topics? Then please get in touch with us.

Investor Relations
Dave Müller
+41 41 925 42 42